So long, farewell, thanks for the memories

So long, farewell, thanks for the memories

So its coming upon us. After all this waiting, it’s finally here and yet we can’t quite believe it. In less than a week we hit the road and leave the Kimberley. It’s a little sad to see an end to our 2 and a half years here but there’s always a silver lining…Tasmania.

But before we head off here’s some photos of our time up here:



Do we need to say more? How spectacular are the sunsets?


How lucky are we that this is one of our swimming pools. Galvin’s gorge after the wet, 15km down the road.


This is Manning Gorge which belongs to the community. 7km’s down the road. After a hard day, there’s nothing better than putting your head underwater and letting it all wash away.


Another photo of Galvin’s Gorge.



For us, quintessential Australia. The feeling of timelessness and our own insignificance is ever present in the landscape. These ranges have been here for millennia and will continue to be here long after we have gone.


Once you’ve been Up North the red earth gets in your heart (and your clothes) and will always pull you back to it. I think we will always yearn to see it again.


Who’d have thought that the pond we built would become a bathing pool for Oscar. Can’t really blame him on a 40 degree day.

Last but not least. One of the highlights of our time here. The Indigenous Hip Hop Project and the song they made with the kids at school

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